Fiori Time Managers Workplace (TMW)
In most companies, the SAP transaction PTMW is (to their regret) part of the daily working life of many time administrators. This is understandable – after all, it is SAP’s egg-laying wool milk sow for all areas of application relating to personnel time management.
Due to a lack of alternatives, we have developed a Fiori solution that covers large parts of the PTMW functionalities.
The solution offers a modern interface for direct posting to SAP infotypes and is much easier and faster to use than the SAP GUI TMW. The following maintenance scenarios are supported:
- Maintenance of Attendances and Absences (IT 2001, IT 2002)
- Overtime (IT 2005)
- Shift Representations (IT 2003)
- Time Events (IT 2011)
- Cost allocation and time transfers (IT 2010, IT 2012)
Flexible Customizing enables you, for example, to adjust which absence types or shift substitution types the time administrator can choose, depending on the business area. As in the SAP GUI, all changes are posted directly to the SAP standard infotypes.
This modern alternative gives you the opportunity to increase the acceptance of your employees and ensure through easy operation and strict Customizing, that the error potential in time accounting is significantly reduced and maintenance processes are accelerated.
If you would like to learn more about our Fiori TMW, feel free to contact us!